Why This Site Exists
Learning the Kitchen was created to help people become better in the kitchen. Being new to cooking can feel overwhelming and we’re here to help.
Meet the Team

Writer and Editor
Cat is the go-to personal finance expert for educated, aspirational moms who want to recapture their life passions, earn more, reach their goals, and take on a more active financial role in their families.
Cat was named the Best Contributor/Freelancer for Personal Finance in 2014, and over the past few years her writing and financial expertise have been featured in dozens of notable publications like The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo! Finance, U.S. News, and World Report, and many more.

Writer and Idea Person
Andrew on the other hand is completely helpless with tools and homes but loves to ask questions. He is good with the whole financial side of homeownership. He loves to work the numbers and systems so that there is something easy to use that can help you out with your first home.
Between the two of us we can probably find an answer to your question.

Writer and Editor
Jozef has 5+ years of experience writing and editing persuasive essays as a graduate student in philosophy.
He’s recently been using these skills to write and edit freelance. He’s written articles on everything from finance and self-help to articles on pets, tech, and consumer products. Here at Millenial Homeowner, he helps edit the articles to maintain consistent quality and style across the site.
In the end, he believes the art of good writing is about establishing trust with your reader. Therefore, he likes to independently research each topic thoroughly and then think most about what will provide value to the reader.

Yaseen Hijazi is a professional freelance writer for Millennial Homeowner, Lob and Smash, and Random Curiosity, covering topics related to homeowner products, professional tennis, and Japanese TV animation.
He also regularly blogs about insightful lifestyle and self-development topics at yaseenhijazi.com/blog. Outside of writing, Yaseen enjoys competitive activities such as tennis, Taekwondo, and online gaming

Ashley Hall is a freelance writer based in Texas. She enjoys writing about personal finance, higher education, and business-related topics. When she is not writing, she enjoys exploring new cities, camping, and spending time with her husband.